Facebook 5GB

Have No Borders on Facebook., Upload photos and videos as you wish and surf on Facebook!

514,90 TL/MO
FACE 5151
Facebook 5GB Package
Internet Price
Flex Internet -
  •  When your internet quota offered as part of your package is full, you can use up to 100 TL in steps of 12.50 TL / 100MB with the flex feature of your package.
  • As your usage reaches 100 TL, the internet speed is reduced to 5Kbps.
  • You can increase your internet speed by purchasing additional internet package.
  • Click for more detailed information about Flex internet feature.

Facebook Package allows you to surf pictured Facebook freely (m.facebook.com) without having to worry about the cost.

To subscribe to the Facebook Package;
Text FACE to 5151.
Visit one of our Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell Branches
Dial 533 Call Centre
and make your application.

You may start using your package once you send a text to subscribe and receive a confirmation message stating that your package is activated.

You may access the contents/videos that are on Facebook as part of your Facebook Package, without having to pay an additional fee. Videos or other content from other websites (for example: youtube, candycrush) are not included in the package and therefore, they are charged seperately. If you have an internet package, such usage will be deducted from your package.

Photo/video upload and downloads on Facebook are included in the package. Third party applications and contents that are on Facebook but work in connection to external sites are deducted from the subscriber’s internet package, if the subscriber does not have an internet package, then such usage is charged according to the subscriber’s mobile internet tariff.

You may purchase the Facebook Package in addition to your current internet package. In this case, your Facebook usage is primarily deducted from your Facebook package

You may use your Facebook Package only while in the TRNC, while you are within the Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell network coverage.

To cancel your Facebook Package, text FACE IPTAL to 5151, free of charge.

When you cancel your package, your subscription to Facebook Package ends on your package expiry date.

Yes. A message is sent each time your package is renewed.

•  You may access Facebook site for 31 Days with the Facebook Package without paying an additional fee.
 Your Facebook Package subscription continues unless you cancel it.
Application, game and content that appear on Facebook but connect to an external site are not included in the package.
 Connections using an internet access point, 3G netbook, notebook and USB modems and through Mobile internet (internet.kktcell) are not included in the package. In Opera mini and different browsers, there may be data usage outside of your package allowance.
 Your internet packages are only valid in TRNC, within the Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell network coverage. Data usage outside the country will be charged according to the international roaming tariff.
 As part of your Facebook Package subscription, if your mobile phone supports 3G, you may benefit from Turkcell 3G speed. If your mobile phone does not support 3G, you will benefit from the 2G/EDGE speed.
•  You may connect to Facebook with photos and videos version without having to worry about the cost. Fair usage limit of the Facebook Package 250 MB per month. Customers who exceed this limit will still have access to Facebook but their access speed may be deducted to 256 KBPS if the service quality of the remaining customer’s are adversely affected.
 You may have 1 active Facebook Package at once.

Start Date: 01.12.2013

End Date: -

Our customers who benefit from this offer will be informed about the Offer end date at least 15 days prior to the end date through the electronic communication service they have purchased and the end date will also be announced on our website.