You may apply to one of Kuzey Kibris Turkcell Service Centers. If you are under 25, you do not need to show document, and if you are over 25, you will need to show student ID.
Once your request gets approved, your membership starts right away, once you receive your details in SMS.
You can text TARIFE 8XXXXXX to 8780, where 8XXXXXX is the 7-digit number you would like to call.
You may only have one account with a GNCTRKCLL tariff registered under your name.
As of 9 March 2016, unless you purchase at least 1 GNCTRKCLL package as a GNCTRKCLL member within 6 months (6*30days), your account will automatically change to Standard Tariff.
GNCTRKCLL charging period is 60 seconds.
Start Date: 01.10.2007
End Date: -
The Tariff End Date will be announced to all customers through their GSM service and through web site at least 15 days prior to the end date.Başlangıç Tarihi: 01.10.2007
Bitiş Tarihi: -
Tarife bitiş tarihi, tarifeden yararlanan tüm tüketicilere en az 15 gün önce aldıkları elektronik haberleşme hizmeti üzerinden ve ayrıca internet (web) sitesinde yayımlanmak sureti ile bilgi verilecektir.